Triaster Blog

The 7 Waste Monsters That Kill Business (Video)

Written by Brad Fagan | 26 January 2017

These 7 waste monsters hang around your organisation and wreak havoc often without you ever realising it.

This is a strange thought when one considers that these 7 wastes can be doing alot of damage but remain unnoticed.

That's because with all the people, procedures and deadlines within organisations, it's easy to miss the problems which are really harming us.

The good news is, after you identify these 7 wastes, which this video helps with by giving a face (monster) to the waste name, then you can work on limiting their impact in your organisation and getting a better ROI.

These are the 7 waste monsters:

  1. Transport
  2. Inventory
  3. Motion
  4. Waiting
  5. Over-production
  6. Over-processing
  7. Defects

Watch now to find out more about the 7 waste monsters and how to deal with them:

 The second part becomes your strategy and if you don't have one, we'll help you find that too starting with the process mapping infographic below.

You can find the articles mentioned in the above video under 'related articles'.

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Related Articles:

Capturing waste in a process: Value Stream and the 7 Wastes 

How can I display waste within a process? 

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What are the 7 Wastes That Are Killing Business?